Both methods are very active for opponents, especially the second one is more difficult to deal with.In the financial war, the capital market can not be a pure land, but a "battleground", even if we occupy the right place and the right time!(omitted below)
1, you can hit, I don't support, just maintain a relatively reasonable result, such as a 1% increase;1, you can hit, I don't support, just maintain a relatively reasonable result, such as a 1% increase;Third, consumption, debt (overlapping real estate, restructuring): follow the funds, which segment goes out of the high standard, just go to which segment, and we are still good at choosing the target in the segment;
High opening is certain, and high walking is also a high probability! But after that? Opponents have two situations:This is also a place where everyone is excited. But aren't these two "cities" and the upper levels consistent?Plate (in order of importance)